The trail of sulfur: from molecular clouds to life
Sulfur is the tenth most abundant element in the Universe and is known to play a significant role in biological systems. However, sulfur is the only element whose gas-phase abundance is still uncertain by several orders of magnitude, hindering the usage of elemental sulfur abundance as a reliable tool to probe planet formation. SUL4LIFE takes a decisive step to fix our knowledge of the sulfur chemistry with an innovative methodology that rests on three pillars:
- To create an unprecedented database of high-quality observations of sulphur-bearing molecules which allows us to trace the sulphur content from the natal molecular clouds to protoplanetary disks.
- To perform ab initio calculations and laboratory experiments to estimate the key reaction rates needed to fix the sulfur network and make chemical models reliable.
- To perform bi-fluid (gas+dust) 3D magneto-hydrodynamics simulations with chemistry coupled (chemo-MHD) to obtain accurate chemical predictions.
This project will disentangle how sulfur was delivered to protoplanetary disks, which is an essential step to understand planet formation and the emergence of life.
cover-image.png: An artist’s depiction of planets forming from a disk of material surrounding a star. Credit: NASA/University of Copenhagen, Lars A. Buchhave..